Gallup Strengths Finder
Two Roads Education Strategist Robert Landau advocates for the Gallup StrengthsFinder process. After decades of research, Gallup has determined that we all process 34 strengths. We learn how to capitalize on our top 5. Since discovering his strengths (talents), Robert has used them actively as he works with individuals and teams. Knowing his clients' strengths helps ensure even deeper success. A strengths-based individual or team can better fulfill hopes, dreams, aspirations, and goals.

Here are Robert's top 5 strengths that he brings to the table each time he works with a client:
People strong in the Strategic theme create alternative ways to proceed. Faced with any given scenario, they can quickly spot the relevant patterns and issues.
People strong in the Futuristic theme are inspired by the future and what could be. They inspire others with their visions of the future.
People who are strong in the Relator theme enjoy close relationships with others. They find deep satisfaction in working hard with others to achieve a goal.
People strong in the Ideation theme are fascinated by ideas. They can find connections between seemingly disparate phenomena.
People strong in the Activator theme can make things happen by turning thoughts into action.
I have enjoyed working with Robert Landau extensively over the past eight years. I first worked with Robert when I was serving as the Deputy Head of Schools for Asia Pacific International Schools in Seoul, Korea, and Hauula, Hawaii. We were opening the campus in Hawaii, and Robert provided training for our administrative team and board and the inaugural staff for the Hawaii Campus. We worked as an admin and board team with Robert to analyze our team strengths through the Gallup Strengths Finder assessment and discover how our individual strengths could best work together in the team to maximize our impact.
We also worked through a process to rediscover our school's values and refine how this could drive everything we did to make an impact on the lives of students. Robert then worked with our whole teaching staff on the strengths finder assessment to help us build a healthy, cohesive team.
Robert also led our team through training and organization as we built our new instructional framework and methodology plan to offer multi-aged, interdisciplinary, project-based learning. This was a long-term project, as we were starting the school from scratch and worked with Robert over the next three years while I was there. We also had Robert work with the staff at our Seoul, Korea campus on the Strength's Finder process and the start of introducing some interdisciplinary, project-based instruction to that more traditional campus.
When I transitioned back to California, I took a District-level position overseeing multiple alternative education schools and programs. One school I oversee had unique staffing challenges and was not functioning well as a team. I reached out to Robert and began utilizing his expertise to work with us through the Strengths Finder assessment to work through conflict and begin to help each member of the team understand their colleagues better. We have made significant improvements under Robert's guidance and plan to continue this work next year with Robert.
So I have the unique experience of observing Robert work in multiple capacities to lead school change and improvement, both in the absence of issues and conflict with a high-functioning team and a team with challenges that needed to resolve issues. In both cases, Robert was adept at providing appropriate training and activities to help move our organization forward toward the goals we shared with Robert. I look forward to continuing work with Robert and Two Roads Education.
All the best,
Scott W. Paulin
Director of Alternative Education,
Ukiah Unified School District