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Ted Dintersmith

Executive Producer of "Most Likely to Succeed" and Author of "What School Could Be"


Dear Mr. Robert Landau,


Please allow us to address you as a mentor. We are deeply grateful for your detailed explanation and practical demonstration of project-based learning, which you provided us just before the start of the fall semester.


We have always aspired to integrate new, progressive educational philosophies and methods into our EFL classroom teaching. However, our uniform curriculum standards, highly rigorous textbook systems, standardized examination and evaluation systems, and the tradition of teacher authority have made these changes difficult to implement. Your mentorship has been instrumental in helping us navigate these challenges.


This afternoon's learning experience has convinced us that the elements of PBL can indeed be applied to our English language learning and can assist us in fostering the development of our students' English language skills!


Thank you for your effective guidance!


As we conclude this thank-you letter, we want to express our sincere hope that you will consent to maintain contact with us. Your guidance is invaluable, and we hope to continue benefiting from it. Your continued support will benefit our professional growth and enhance our students' learning experience.


Once again, thank you for giving us this wonderful learning experience!


Warm regards

Helen Yang, Principal, Jiaxiang Education Group, Chengdu, China

"The orientation we had with Robert was eye-opening. Years ago, during my formal education, I studied and practiced project-based learning (PBL) and much of what Robert presented. However, I haven’t had many opportunities to use PBL in the workplace over the years. Fast forward to today, to Robert’s orientation, and I am reminded of the importance and upcoming relevance of PBL in education. If not, what is the current relevance and need of PBL? The world is fast evolving, and education for the younger generations must also be. Thanks for the reminder and sense of urgency, Robert." -Cameron Fliegel, ESL Teacher, Jiaxiang Enjoy Preschool


"Robert, you are amazing. You are one of the rare colleagues and friends that we have partnered with in New Brunswick who feels like we have been working together for decades! Our participants noted this as well. They all appreciated your knowledge, perspective, and time!" - Andrew Culberson, School Counselling and Mental Health Education Support Services Department of Education & Early Childhood Development, New Brunswick Province, Canada


A most sincere thank you for the time you took in conversation throughout the three days and also for the presentation of my strengths.  I feel emboldened by the knowledge of my top 5 and more confident in my abilities as an educator.  They were all things I felt or had been told by others but to hear it laid out so clearly and precisely was validating and a real gift.  Please know that your work makes a difference and is valuable and greatly appreciated. 

I've already created a few visual reminders of my strengths so I know what to focus on as I continue to grow and learn. I feel more confident in knowing what I am capable of and excited about the potential opportunities this brings moving forward.  - Gillian Budrow, Teacher, Moncton High School, Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada

"What a blessing it was to have the 1:1 time with you today. It was such a beautiful experience and my hope would be that everyone would take the time to find their strengths and to be able to debrief like we did today. I can only imagine the Optimal Learning Communities there could be if this was done with all." 

-Janelle Field, EIR-SEL Grant Lead Instructional Coach at Southwest West Central Service Cooperative

"With presentations from Robert Landau (IMPACT
Framework), Aaron Schorn and Auston Steward (Nalukai Academy) and Hannah Grady Williams (d’Skills), I left this meeting with my education reimagination batteries fully charged. The impact these programs and frameworks are having on kids is and will continue to be pretty staggering. I truly believe some very special opportunities will emerge from this gathering.

Robert Landau of Two Roads Education LLC batted first and hit a homer with his first pitch. His IMPACT Framework can be summarized as follows.
The IMPACT framework offers a robust and comprehensive approach to education, addressing academic knowledge, critical skills, and
perspectives necessary for success in a rapidly changing world. By focusing on the five pillars and compass points, IMPACT provides a
roadmap for schools to prepare students to navigate and contribute to
the challenges and opportunities of the future and positively impact the dynamic world they will inherit. Every school committed to preparing students for the future should consider becoming an IMPACT member and adopting this transformative framework." -Josh Reppun, Ambassador, What School Could Be 
Producer and Host: The What School Could Be Podcast. 
Producer and Co-Director: The Innovation Playlist


"Getting to know you over the last few weeks has been an absolute pleasure. Thank you so much for inspiring a spirit of change and facilitating the strengthening of our team." - Rhonda Anderson, Principal, Canadian International School of Thailand.


"Thank you very much for the workshops I participated in. They were, for me, the most inspiring of all. So much of what you said and shared has been my guiding light since the beginning of my journey at school. When you talked about IMPACT and what a curriculum should look like, it fits perfectly into what the school should look like and what it should strive to teach. As a school, we still have much to change/improve and develop, but we share the same vision you expressed very clearly. Yes, I would be very interested in collaborating and finding time to discuss more." - ANNA MALISZEWSKA, Founder.


"Integrating the StrengthsFinders Assessment into our Bonner student leader program at UH Hilo has helped our students' confidence to achieve beyond what they believed possible. One of our students began to work earnestly toward her goal of starting a Filipino club on campus; another student realized that something she had always seen as a weakness was a strength. In addition, Robert's work with the students as a team showed them that what they could accomplish together to support our community - understanding one another's strengths - is without limits!" - Julie Mowrer, EdD Acting Director, Center for Community Engagement; Director, English Language Institute, University of Hawaii, Hilo

"I have so much respect and admiration for what you have taken on. We will see you (hopefully) soon.  You always bring laughter, light, and focus back to our mission."  - Kate Delgiacco, Business Manager, Hampstead Academy

“Two Roads Education helped us find a way to effectively embrace new board members in the ongoing work of the school at a particularly critical strategic waypoint.  Empowering us through our strengths, we now have a greater understanding of how our collaboration can yield better outcomes for our students." Jon Zurfluh, Director, American School of Warsaw


Robert Landau led our faculty through the Strengths Finder assessment workshop.  Faculty began the process unsure of what to expect, but left our time with Robert excited and energized around a renewed sense of team and collaborative strength.  The team appreciated Robert's ability to keep the workshop lively and interesting, but focused on a deeper understanding of ourselves and each other and how we can use this understanding of our strengths to work more efficiently and effectively as a team.  We can't wait to have Robert back to build on this foundation! Scott W. Paulin, Director of Alternative Education, Principal, Ukiah Independent Study Academy, Ukiah Unified School District

I just want to say thank you for all that you did last year. I believe that letting students pursue their passions and interests is the best way to teach. My internship experience taught me more than anything in a classroom ever could. - Paloma Banto, High School Student, Maui Preparatory Academy, Lahiana, Hawaii

I love your attitude, mindset and philosophy about education. Like I said, I’m missing your positive energy at drop off and pick up and around campus. Your passion for what you did was very noticeable as was your compassion for all the students as well.  - Mary Jo Millisor, Parent, Maui Preparatory Academy, Lahaina, Hawaii

Night and day is how I would describe the transformation of our school with Robert at the helm.  In my opinion, his innovative ideas of what education should look like today elevated our school into the future.  Thinking outside the box, giving children the opportunity to grow without boundaries, problem solving and putting knowledge to use in the real world were just some of the things I loved as a parent about his approach to education.  Robert helped our school find its identity and transition into it.  He was given an enormous job with a lot of obstacles along the way and navigated them gracefully and with extraordinary leadership.  He brought our community together, which is what I think a great leader does. - Erica Goldsmith, PTSO President, Maui Preparatory Academy, Lahaina, Hawaii

Thank you so very much for your dedication to the students, parents, faculty, and school at large. Maui Prep is better for having had you as our Head of School! I can't thank you enough for your caring spirit. We had such trying times while you were at the helm but you sailed us through some of the wildest waters with grace and care and we can't thank you enough for that. - Sarah Burns, Parent, Maui Preparatory Academy, Lahaina, Hawaii

When I planned to move to Maui, I did not intend to take a job right away, as I had spent nearly a decade in a very intense administrative role for a public school district. My plan was to lay low and wait for "the right job". Until Robert called me. It may have been fate that brought our "two roads" together, but it was the collaborative relationship we forged in that first call that made me decide I NEEDED to work with Robert at Maui Prep. I had been made another offer closer to my home, but it was Robert's vision that inspired me enough to make a 2+ hour round-trip commute each day. And I'm so glad I committed to that. I have learned so much from Robert, both as an administrator and a teacher. Robert will be a forever friend and colleague whom I look to often for direction and advice as I return to the mainland to support schools and students in making a relevant impact. - Robin Merrifield, Teacher, Maui Preparatory Academy, Lahaina, Hawaii

I want to remind you that it is your vision of education that brought me to Maui. If I didn't read about Vision 2020 in the job description last year, I might not have even ventured into looking into education on the island. With Impact Wednesday and Mission Block, as well as the philosophy of necessary homework and balance, I felt that my creativity as an educator really flourished. I had entertained taking a break from teaching or switching careers to the corporate world, but instead, I find myself rejuvenated.  - JC Santos, Teacher, Maui Preparatory Academy, Lahaina, Hawaii

"I am deeply grateful to Robert for delivering an exceptional PBL training session that has truly transformed my perspective on learning. His engaging approach and mastery of the methodology inspired us to think critically, collaborate effectively, and solve problems creatively. Throughout the training, Robert's enthusiasm and patience were infectious, making every moment informative and enjoyable. His real-world examples and hands-on activities reinforced theoretical concepts and equipped us with practical skills essential for navigating complex challenges. I am confident that the insights and strategies I gained from this training will be invaluable in my academic pursuits and future endeavors. Thank you, Robert teacher, for igniting a spark within us all and fostering a culture of inquiry and lifelong learning."- Allison, Chinese ECE English Teacher, Jinjiang Campus of Jiaxiang Enjoy Preschool 


Boss, mentor, colleague and friend.  Robert leads with passion and dedication, consistently striving for quality and meaningful education for all ages. His experience, vision, and leadership completely transformed our Early Learning Center over the span of his tenure. I am forever grateful for his unfailing support and commitment to not only our program and my team but most importantly the children.

We would never be where we are today if it were not for his dedication and advocacy for Children's Rights, value and understanding of developmentally appropriate practice, and his innovative and strategic planning. In working with Robert I  have grown professionally - and personally,  I have gained a friend for life whom I will forever be grateful for. - Angie Glass, Preschool Director & Teacher, Maui Preparatory Academy, Lahaina, Hawaii

You are so loved here at Maui Prep. Thank you so much for the dedication and aloha that you brought to this school. You made my junior year amazing and I will never forget that. Thank you.  - Lily, High School Student, Maui Preparatory Academy, Lahaina, Hawaii


What a pleasure it has been to have you as our head of school for the past two years.  We learned so many things (what it means to be progressive in the field of education) and you have opened up our eyes to so many new things and ideas! And you have managed to do all this with firmness and kindness, proving that one does not negate the other. As parents, we are so so so lucky to have met you and we thank you for everything that you shared with us.

We know that wherever you will be, you will continue to touch those that you get to meet. And as much as we wanted to keep you to ourselves, we feel like we are saving the world by letting you help others too. - The Stoops Family, Maui Preparatory Academy, Lahaina, Hawaii

We only worked with you for one year but you are by far the most inspiring leader we have worked for. - Kay Harrington Shiel, Teacher, Western Academy of Beijing

Thank you for all your support and leadership at this school. I think you have had the best approach and guidance in the path the school should take next. You have the most amazing insight into where education is going, not where it has been. Giving these kids the chance to think outside the box and become leaders in society is the best gift anyone can give.

We really appreciate all you have done for us and the school.  You have been at every school event and put in 200% in supporting every student. Thank you for bringing your insight and professionalism to our school. If everyone put in the effort you do the world would be a better place. We are grateful to know you and appreciate all you do! - Kerstin, Scott, & Dillon Jonke, Parents and student, Maui Preparatory Academy, Lahaina, Hawaii

I truly value all that you bring and have brought to Maui Prep. I want to thank you directly for your vision and foresight to get our Distance Learning program up and running in short order! I’m sure that was no small task, but all of your efforts are paying off. As parents we are so thankful for the continued online education our boys are receiving, and we have you and your staff to thank. So THANK YOU!!! The structure and interaction and innovation set Maui Prep far above the average experience in education that is currently out there. This whole distance learning thing has been a bright spot in these dark and challenging times, so again, we thank you.

I would love to hear your thoughts on areas of improvement to focus on, and perhaps weaknesses we could shore up. I know no school is perfect, but your wealth of knowledge and experience has seen a LOT of schools, and I would welcome your thoughts on some ideas I could help champion as a new board member.

Please let me know if there is anything I can help you with and thanks again for your incredible investment in our children and our school. We are forever grateful. - Michael Leone, Parent and Board Member, Maui Preparatory Academy, Lahaina, Hawaii

After working for Robert Landau for just one academic year, I can tell you that he is a man who loves to ideate. However, he doesn’t merely ideate and muse about what education could be. Robert goes one step further and invests in relationships. Through these relationships, he coaches others into developing and manifesting their own bold ideations and visions. I know this because, in just one academic year, Robert made a deep impact on my own teaching pedagogy.

When he hired me, he told me that his vision for Maui Preparatory Academy was a school where relationships come first. Where learning is relevant. Where students are empowered by their learning, and teachers are there as “learning leaders" to guide their students and foster curiosity in and out of the classroom. Striving towards this vision as a Maui Prep teacher, in conjunction with Robert’s coaching, has further ignited my passion for teaching and has fueled my ambition for what I can accomplish as a teacher.

Like most other schools, Maui Preparatory Academy was forced to transition to distance learning thanks due to the worldwide COVID-19 crisis. As the Head of School, Robert has had the challenging job of leading us through these uncharted waters. With Robert at the helm, we have been able to right the “ship” and steer ourselves in the right direction. He led our ‘ohana through the storm, vision intact. Thanks to his support and expertise, Maui Preparatory Academy was able to produce and execute a very successful school-wide distance learning program.


Whether sailing in calm waters or navigating the rough seas, Robert is someone who can lead you to where you want to go. - Hannah Ricci, Third Grade Teacher, Maui Preparatory Academy, Lahaina, Hawaii


“Over the past few years I have had numerous conversations with Robert and watched him work with various schools.  I think what I most appreciate about Robert is his understanding of strategy and how organizations work.  He brings in a very wide array of research and organizational options for achieving the goals that a school is interested in.  I have seen this at the large conference level, as well as in his meetings with my past school’s board members. Through the process he is collaborative and direct.  In addition to his own experiences as a school head Robert also has a very extensive network of professional colleagues from which to draw upon for suggestions or recommendations as well. He seems to truly enjoy the consulting practice and relationships that ensue.” - Jocelyn Romero Demirbag, Ed.D., Director of Development, University of Hawaii and former Head of School, Honolulu Waldorf School

"You’ve had more than your share of over the top scenarios to manage this year. I just wanted to say,  I have a very high degree of confidence in whatever decisions you make, and that we are blessed, once again, to have you as our head of school.” - Jason Jerome, Parent, Maui Preparatory Academy , Lahaina, Hawaii

“I highly recommend Robert Landau as a consultant for school improvement. I’ve had the privilege of working with Robert these past several years in his role as Head of School at Maui Preparatory Academy. His ability to transform a school in such a short time is truly remarkable. He shifted our school’s culture through building relationships, implementing new programs by empowering students and staff, and ensuring that our curriculum was innovative and relevant. With a futuristic mindset, transformational strategies and hands-on approach, Robert will undoubtedly lead your team to successful outcomes.” - Tara Burk, Director of Innovation and Strategic Programs, Maui Preparatory Academy

Thoughts on Robert Landau - A.K.A. "Dad"

Leads with the heart / Seeks connection / Inspires / Coaches (with joy) / Open, available, warm, and inviting / You feel that he cares / Always seeking what's next, ahead of what's current / Wants to be in the classroom, with kids, performing on stage / He sees everyone through their strengths first / Authenticity, vulnerability, transparency, and relationships.

Robert leads first with his heart, deep passion, and an uncanny vision towards a progressive, innovative, global future in education. His leadership points to the intersection of long-range institutional growth and an individuality adaptive coaching style that both sees and values every person first from their innate strengths.

Learning and just about anything important in life begins with relationships. Robert shines in his ability to be real, authentically himself, open and transparent, and fully vulnerable when the moment calls for it. He deeply understands the value of genuine connection as an under-pinning of successful and effective transformation. - Emily Homza, Teacher, Maui Preparatory Academy

“You have accomplished so much during your tenure. You have resurrected our community spirit, boosted the professional development of many of our teachers who were starving for it, and made many little clients excited to come to school each and every day. Not many people are able to achieve this in a short time.” - Dr. Ma’Ann Sabino, Board of Trustees, Maui Preparatory Academy

Dear Mr. Landau, Happy Birthday to you! You are kind like how you check in with the school. You let other people get to meet with you. You care very much about Maui Prep. And I like that.” - Ken, Grade 2 Student, Maui Preparatory Academy


"We wanted to send you a short note and let you know how much our task forces appreciated you being here with us for Saturday’s launch. You are dear to us. You push our thinking. You help us to imagine possibilities beyond our current reality. We are grateful and excited to continue thinking and working with you and will reach out soon to continue the school visit conversation." - Joy Motta, Poʻo Kumu, Hālau Kupukupu, Kamehameha Schools Hawaiʻi

"On behalf of Saint Francis School, I wish to thank Robert for his thoughtful questions and guidance designed to provoke deeper thinking about who we are and where we want to be. The afternoon workshop was exactly what we needed to kick-start the school's effort of re-imagining ourselves as version 2.0 and beyond." - Dr. Casey Asato, Head of School, Saint Francis School, Honolulu, Hawaii

"Please accept my profound gratitude for your participation at our annual Read Across America event at Lincoln Elementary School. Lincoln School is most fortunate to have your support for this event, as well as, the two original compositions for our school and your superb ukulele and singing. The responses from our teachers, staff and students were overwhelming. It was an event that all will remember. And we truly feel blessed to have you at our assembly. We will always remember your songs and know that you have made all of the students at Lincoln School feel very special. - Marcia Nagatori Wai, Honu Project After School Tutoring Program Coordinator, Lincoln Elementary School, Honolulu, Hawaii


 "Thank you for an enlightening and enjoyable experience with my team. Your gentle approach created an atmosphere of openness and curiosity." - Ofelia Reed, Principal, Iroquois Point Elementary School, Ewa Beach, Hawaii

"Thank you for being by my side and inspiring me to Lead!" - Margaret Rufo, Principal, Mary Star of the Sea School, Honolulu, Hawaii

"I want to say huge mahalo for your commitment to EIH getting “it” right today. I thoroughly enjoyed the day and I think we as an organization are more focused because of the good work accomplished today." - Ray L'Heureux, Board Chair, Education Institute of Hawaii

Aloha Kakahiaka, Robert ~ "On behalf of the Damien Hui ‘Ohana, I want to extend our heartfelt “Mahalo” for being our guest speaker/panel facilitator at our Kick-Off event!  You helped set the tone and defined for everyone what a parent organization is and is not, as well as energizing our Board for the work to come. We look forward to being able to partner with you again in the future! Aloha!" - PAULINE MENOR-OZOA, Recruiter, The Queen’s Health Systems | Human Resources


"On behalf of the 2017 Nueva Innovative Learning Conference, I wanted to extend our sincerest gratitude for bringing such an inspirational and educational session to our conference. Your philosophy and approach to promoting both teacher growth and student learning really resonated with the educators that attended your session. Feedback from attendees: "Great session" - "Lots of practical info about how to operationalize professional growth" - "Amazing!I wish he could come to our District and speak." - Nueva School ILC Educators' Day Committee


Robert Landau is the most inspiring and influential mentor I have ever had. Having worked with Robert both as a high school and college student, I accredit him with sparking both the philanthropic and entrepreneurial spirit in me. As a high school student, Robert treated me as a professional equal and I gained a seat on the board of his NGO­ (Cambodia’s Future Foundation)- one of the most unique opportunities I can imagine for a then-16 year old. Despite moving halfway across the world during my senior year of high school, Robert’s commitment to the NGO never wavered, only grew. It was this very notion that has inspired me to now, two years after moving away to college myself, reconnect to the NGO. Robert has inspired countless personal projects of mine, including one that I am newly working on. I have never met a more passionate, selfless, or open-minded mentor, or man. Thank you, Robert. - Victoria Radke, Student, Washington University in St. Louis; Former Board Member, Cambodia’s Future Foundation; and former Student, Singapore American School

"Robert, thanks for being a person who inspires others through humility, strength, words, and action. I love our Cambodian connection and appreciate the various initiatives you have fostered there." - David Oswald, Middle School Teacher, Singapore American School

"Robert Landau presented at the annual NJAIS Trustee Enrichment Day on the topics of Governance 101 and Advanced Trusteeship.  His knowledge of non-profit governance is deep, and he shares his expertise in an informative and accessible manner.  His choice of case studies was outstanding and enhanced learning.  A gifted speaker.  A talented man.  We look forward to re-engaging him in the future." - Carole Everett, Executive Director, New Jersey Association of Independent Schools

“The mission and Vision process session that Robert Landau guided and facilitated our leadership team through has brought a renewed excitement, commitment and dedication to our entire school community to become one of the premier independent schools in the nation.” - Gerald Teramae, Head of School, Island Pacific Academy, Kapolei, Hawai`i

" Working with Robert Landau has been invaluable for my executive leadership team, the board of directors and me as a newly appointed head of school.  Robert facilitated our executive retreats, Board Chair-President relationship, leadership transition, shared decision-making, and communication strategy.  I have been extremely fortunate to work with Robert as an executive coach given his expertise and experience in educational leadership and innovative schools."
- Wes Reber Porter, Former President and CEO, Damien Memorial School


" Working with HAIS has been a tremendous asset to our school's development.  We are able to provide cost-effective, relevant, and high-quality professional development and training for our faculty and board members through HAIS.  Two Research & Development trips organized by HAIS (one trip visiting leading schools across the US and the other visiting schools in Asia) were catalytic, leading not only to overall school improvement but also to a paradigm shift in the way we fundamentally approach learning at our school." - Euysung Kim, Ph.D., Director, Asia Pacific International School, Hauula, Hawai'i and Seoul, Korea

"I have been in the field of education for over 30 years and have had numerous opportunities to work with a variety of educational consultants. Competency, style, depth of knowledge and the ability to effectively communicate across cultures as well as personalities are essential for optimum results.  In my opinion, Robert Landau, without a doubt,  fulfills all the aforementioned qualities. Robert brings a level  of expertise, preparation, and professionalism that is unparalleled among any of his colleagues and peers in this field."
- Gerald Teramae, Head of School, Island Pacific Academy


" Robert Landau a great man and a great leader. Any organization would be very fortunate to have you. The book you gave me 'Schooling by Design" transformed the way I viewed schools and you inspired and supported my dream to go into school leadership. Now I have helped open my second international school. You do inspire others and so glad, as Simon Sinek would say, you are following your "Why". Best wishes." - Jacqueline McNalty, Founding Principal, Malvern College Pre-School, Hong Kong

"As one of your many former students I love seeing you work outside the box and change lives and the education system. Aloha and Mahalo." - Gillian Routh Dvorak, Former Student, International School of Lausanne, Switzerland

"Good luck, my long-time friend! Your consulting for American School of The Hague when I first took the position as head of school transformed my Board and made my successful long stay possible. You have a lot of experience to share." - Dr. Richard Spradling, Former Director, American School of The Hague, The Netherlands

"In your message you mention that you get to collaborate with "some of the best thinkers and people ever". You are definitely one of those people and Two Roads Education is poised to spread your wisdom even further. I wish you well with the new venture." - William "Mr. Bill" Lovell, former Owner and Director, John F. Kennedy International School, Saanen, Switzerland

"I will add my warm congratulations, Robert! This new road you are travelling will definitely be of great benefit to all in the field of education. You will continue to inspire many more teachers - as you have inspired me over the years." - Sandra "Mrs. Sandy" Lovell, former Owner and Director, John F. Kennedy International School, Saanen, Switzerland

"You always seem to be involved in so many interesting projects connected to schools and education. It made me think you'd be a good person to reach out to as I'm brainstorming what to do with a grant I received. Thank you so much!" - Kerith Hipp Donnay, Teacher, Taipei American School


"Robert - you have always been a dreamer and I have loved that about you. I know you will be successful regardless of the road that you take. If I can ever assist you in any way, please don't hesitate to ask. All the very best buddy!" - Ed Ladd, former Director, American School in Japan, American School of Doha


"It was a great pleasure working with Robert Landau in co-organizing the Maui Independent Schools Organization (MISO) 2017 Conference at Seabury Hall. The quality of the program and speakers, including Ted Dintersmith, reached a new height as a direct result of Robert's expertise and efforts. Educators on Maui and throughout the state of Hawaiʻi are very fortunate to have Robert as a resource in providing opportunities that elevate and challenge their professional practice." - Casey Asato, Ed.D., Former Director of Curriculum, Sophomore Dean, Seabury Hall, Maui, Hawai`i


"Thank you for a lovely afternoon.  It was such a pleasure for me personally to walk and talk with you. I found our conversations truly invigorating. You’re clearly a wealth of expertise and knowledge.  It would be so wonderful to work together in some capacity in the future. Let’s please stay in touch. - Sarah Simon, Elementary School Vice Principal, Wildwood School - Los Angeles, California 

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